I’m a Christian.

I’m part of the conservative branch of Presbyterian churches called the “Orthodox Presbyterian Church.” If that name sounds odd, it’s ok! LOL! “Orthodox” is an old word that means “straight.” (…You go to an orthodontist to straighten your teeth.) As Orthodox Presbyterians we believe the straight teaching of the Bible… That God the Father gave up his son Jesus Christ to death on a cross to pay the price for the sins of his people. We also seek to follow what the Bible commands. The Orthodox Presbyterian Church tries to live consistently with the principles of Christianity and share with others the Good News of salvation through Jesus Christ.

Though the Bible is a long book, we believe that the heart of its message is fairly simple: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). There is one God. He exists eternally. He is three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. In the person of Jesus Christ, God the Son entered human history. Why? Because the entire human race had rebelled. This rebellion is what the Bible means when it speaks of “sin.”

Most of us don’t think of ourselves as “sinners.” When we compare ourselves to others, we tend to think that we are “pretty good people.” But haven’t we all acted selfishly? Haven’t we all done things we know are displeasing to God? Just look at the Ten Commandments… who can say they’ve NEVER lied, NEVER stolen anything (no matter how small it was or how young you were when you did), and NEVER used God’s name in vain? Jesus said that anyone who looks with lust at someone they aren’t married to has committed adultery in their heart… and the Bible says that “he who hates his brother is a murderer.” By that standard—God’s standard—you and I stand before him as liars, thieves, blasphemers, adulterers-at-heart, and murderers-at-heart.

But Jesus is one who never sinned (NEVER). He never acted selfishly, and he never disobeyed God. Jesus lived and died so that selfish and sinful people like you and me would be delivered from our sin and selfishness, and transformed into new people.

Of course, there are many other religions in the world that share some common concerns with Christianity: a quest for God answers to the problem with evil, what happens to us after we die, and a hunger to know the meaning of life. Facing these questions, various religions give different answers, but they are all agreed that salvation is something we must earn. Success , they say, depends upon our effort. But, how can selfish people ever be devoted to something other than themselves? And who would reward us for it? Is there no better way?

All our efforts at self-deliverance are doomed. But there is good news! In the person and work of his Son, God has already done everything necessary to save us. By his life, death, and resurrection, Jesus secured forgiveness of sins and eternal life for all who desire it. He offers new life—his own resurrection life—to all people which we receive by faith, trusting in him as our only King and Savior.

In trusting him, we are transformed and begin to live new lives. Though our practices may at points resemble those of other world religions, our motive is completely different. Other religious command us to earn acceptance. Christianity teaches that we live new lives because we have been accepted already through Jesus. This is why Christians call the message of the Bible “good news” (gospel). As a Christian Church, the Orthodox Presbyterian Church is committed to proclaiming this gospel of Jesus Christ to all people. And we welcome into our fellowship all who believe in our Savior.

Here are a few Orthodox Presbyterian Churches in the Dayton, and surrounding area:

There are many other fine churches in the Dayton area as well. I welcome questions and I’m more than happy to help you find a church near you where you can learn and grow.